
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog adventure of How Cheap Mama Cheats.... Well maybe I mean How Frugal Mama Cheats... or less scandalously, How Frugal Mama Saves Money. Ok, I confessed it, I'm not a floosy or a cheater but I do love being frugal. Love it. I grew up that way and love the dozens of way you can save money, be green, and reduce waste. Some ideas may be just what you need or a even more of an inconvenience but either way, hopefully this will get you and your family thinking about new ways to save money and be green too.

I'll have some dirty little secrets to share along the way, and some to keep like names and locations, but check back often because who knows what I'll write next. I will try to maintain privacy of my friends and family; I hope you'll do the same. Please feel free to comment, disagree, send ideas, or share this with your friends, but please be respectful, I will delete anything that is not.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy my blog!


  1. I love all the tips! Keep giving me new thrifty ideas. One tip I discovered is buying the "green"concentrated cleaners from various companies and using it for lots of household cleaning. It does floors, toilets, kitchen,and pretty much anything that needs to be cleaned.

  2. Thanks, Katie! Yea I like that companies are offering green cleaners now, very convenient.
